Article 19316
Title of the article |
Authors |
Koshevoy Oleg Sergeevich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of economics and finances, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Index UDK |
Abstract |
Background. The quality of production and industrial personnel in the field of research is a key element of the regional innovative potential. A special importance here is attached to the human potential of science being an integral form of obvious and latent qualities of people in mass possessing such creativity that provides reproduction of scientific knowledge. The aim of the work is to determine the features of formation of human potential of science in Penza region.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented through analyzing official statistical data regarding the field of science and innovations. The research methodology included the method of typological groups assembled with a time lag of 12 years; determination of relative statistical indexes (dynamics, structure, coordination); simple methods of time series trends aging.
Results. Taking the time period under consideration there has been revealed a reduction of the total amount of enterprises and organizations involved in research and innovations, a reduction of economic efficiency of scientific development realization. At the same time there has been a significant – virtually 4 times – increase of doctors and candidates of sciences carrying out scientific research, directly indica¬ting quality improvement of human potential in science in Penza region. Using the results of population census in 2010 it has been established that Penza region possesses a considerable scientific and educational potential.
Conclusions. The article has established the paths of improvement of scientific personnel in Penza region, first of all, associated with improving efficiency of regional innovation policy management by the public authorities.
Key words |
innovation, potential, science, academic degree, typological group, relative indexes of dynamics, structure and coordination
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References |
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Дата создания: 17.03.2017 12:45
Дата обновления: 17.03.2017 15:42